
Hellwind495 Stan


Doomhammer, EU (12) Retail English



Head Alighted Cowl of the Aurora 577
Neck Gem-Studded Pendant of the Fireflash 567
Shoulder Shoulders of Kix'arak's Bane 538
Chest Alighted Robes of the Aurora 567
Hands Handwraps of the Weaver 558
Waist Alighted Cord of the Feverflare 574
Finger Gem-Studded Signet of the Aurora 567
Finger Wick's Golden Loop 571
Trinket Quickwick Candlestick 577
Trinket Signet of the Priory 571
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Screaming Torchfiend's Burning Scowl 528
Neck Cold Crisp Collar 515
Shoulder Screaming Torchfiend's Horned Memento 528
Hands Screaming Torchfiend's Grasp 528
Waist Cinch of Forgotten Duty 522
Finger Unstable Arcane Loop 515
Finger Seal of Diurna's Chosen 528
Trinket Treemouth's Festering Splinter 522
Trinket Prophetic Stonescales 489
Embellishment 1
Coated in Slime on Feet
Embellishment 2
Head Attendant's Concocting Cover 522
Neck Eye of the Vengeful Hurricane 515
Shoulder Amice of the Sinister Savant 515
Chest Cursed Robes of the Sinister Savant 519
Hands Grips of the Sinister Savant 515
Waist Blooming Redeemer's Sash 515
Finger Seal of Diurna's Chosen 528
Finger Bloodied Wedding Ring 522
Trinket Tome of Unstable Power 522
Trinket Nymue's Unraveling Spindle 522
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Molten Vanguard's Domeplate 489
Neck Cold Crisp Collar 463
Shoulder Molten Vanguard's Shouldervents 483
Hands Keeper's Iron Grips 512
Waist Girdle of Burgeoning Apathy 483
Finger Unstable Arcane Loop 499
Finger Thornwoven Band 483
Trinket Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart 496
Trinket Prophetic Stonescales 489
Off Hand Flame Marshal's Bulwark 515
Embellishment 1
Allied Wristgaurds of Companionship on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Head Benevolent Embersage's Casque 489
Neck Eye of the Rising Flame 483
Shoulder Benevolent Embersage's Wisdom 483
Chest Benevolent Embersage's Robe 489
Hands Fading Chronogrips 483
Waist Eternal Sentinel's Cord 483
Finger Band of Twisted Bark 489
Finger Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal 489
Trinket Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows 483
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 483
Off Hand Trickster's Captivating Chime 483
Embellishment 1
Toxified on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Main Hand
Head Crest of Lunar Communion 476
Neck Ironshell Pendant 470
Shoulder Shoulderguardians of Lunar Communion 476
Hands Touch of Lunar Communion 476
Waist Mobius Strap 476
Finger Lord Waycrest's Signet 470
Finger Band of Callous Dominance 470
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 476
Trinket Echoing Tyrstone 476
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Piercing Gaze of the Risen Nightmare 463
Neck Raven Filigree Pendant 470
Shoulder Skewers of the Risen Nightmare 467
Hands Thorns of the Risen Nightmare 476
Waist Unwinding Eon Girdle 476
Finger Band of Callous Dominance 473
Finger Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal 460
Trinket Coiled Serpent Idol 483
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 483
Main Hand Ravencrest's Wrath 489
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Zealous Pyreknight's Barbute 476
Neck Ironshell Pendant 476
Shoulder Zealous Pyreknight's Ailettes 483
Hands Zealous Pyreknight's Jeweled Gauntlets 483
Waist Recycled Golemskin Waistguard 434
Finger Ring of Contempt 463
Finger Seal of the Regal Loa 457
Trinket Gift of Ursine Vengeance 460
Trinket Gore-Crusted Butcher's Block 473
Off Hand Verdant Matrix Beacon 450
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Dracoif 480
Neck Ironshell Pendant 460
Shoulder Winter Forager's Epaulets 447
Hands Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards 476
Waist Soul-Torn Fury Cinch 460
Finger Thornwoven Band 476
Finger Bramble Bark Band 437
Trinket Belor'relos, the Suncaller 476
Trinket Caged Horror 480
Off Hand Summer Soother's Implement 437
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Main Hand
Embellishment 2
Head Greatwolf Outcast's Jaws 467
Neck Chain of the Underking 415
Shoulder Greatwolf Outcast's Companions 463
Hands Greatwolf Outcast's Grips 473
Waist Wind Wolf Chain 437
Finger Seal of the Regal Loa 454
Finger Dreambound Band 450
Trinket Echoing Tyrstone 463
Trinket Paracausal Fragment of Seschenal 450
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Lurking Specter's Visage 431
Neck Deeprock Pendant 415
Shoulder Crystalline Tender's Shoulderpads 441
Hands Lurking Specter's Handgrips 424
Waist Troggskin Waistband 434
Finger Onyx Annulet 443
Finger Bloodied Wedding Ring 424
Trinket Frenzying Signoll Flare 424
Trinket Elementium Pocket Anvil 428
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2